Street Rods
We have painted so many different colors
John Force Car Show In Yorba Linda
Yorba Linda Car Show, was at the John Force Museum and had an excellent turnout. The Best of Show trophy went to Tom Karp who had a superb 1961 Buick that was painted by Mark Mahood of Mahoods Paint Shop for Hot Rods. Mark has painted hundreds of show cars and also has won the prestigious AMBR (America's Most Beautiful Roadster) Award for his work.
Second Place winner went to Jim Gaither with his beautiful silver 1970 El Camino. Mark of Mahoods Collision and Hot Rod was also responsible for this prize winning paint job. Now just think what Mahoods Hot Rods and Custom Cars can do for you! Also check out the John Force Museum
Mark has worked with Boyd Coddington and Chip Foose and Fat Jack of Fat Jack Enterprises on many vehicles together through the years.
If you need paint repair or a new paint job, call Mark Mahood at 714-575-8940. We are located at 1270 North Lance Lane in Anaheim, CA.
The 70th Grand National Roadster Show.
Mahoods Hot Rods Painted One of the winning cars in this video.
 Owner Ryan Rivers & his 1924 Red Buick
2004 Grand National Roadster Winner
2007 Grand National Roadster Show Winner
2007 Grand National Roadster Show Winner
2007 Grand National Roadster Show Winner